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CSR-Report 2021 Pankas Denmark


Society is our common responsiblity

Ever since the start in 1939, taking care of Pankas and taking care of each other has been a fully integrated part of our corporate culture. Equally important, of course, is that we also take care of the outside world and take our social responsibility seriously when it comes to the environment, climate, human rights and society in general. In 2019, Pankas Denmarks first CSR-report was published, as we wanted to focus on the work with CSR and create further efficiency and results towards integrating the best possible environmental considerations into the way Pankas conducts business.

At Pankas Denmark, we are committed to sustainable development as a result of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. Responsibility for Pankas’ CSR strategy and policies and their implementation lies with the Executive Management.
On a day-to-day basis, a CSR committee has been established to support the development and
implementation of CSR throughout the organisation.
The purpose of the committee is to ensure that forward-looking CSR objectives become an integral part of Pankas’ business operations. The committee consists of the HR Manager, QHSE Manager, Group Technical Manager and the Marketing Manager.
The CSR approach is implemented through principles, procedures and guidelines that ensure compliance with relevant legislation, including the Danish Financial Statements Act’s Section 99a, b and d and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.

CSR policies and procedures are communicated internally to employees via Pankas’ internal network (Sherlock), as well as other internal communication channels. External communication to customers, suppliers and other external stakeholders is communicated via the website, the statutory annual report and the CSR report.
The CSR report aims to show how the CSR policy is translated into activities and the results. CSR
reporting also includes risk assessments and actions to prevent, reduce or eliminate CSR related risks.

In the coming years, we will continue to work on the SDGs and CSR work, integrating the SDGs into our CSR policy and report, and setting ambitious targets across the organisation. Our overall goal is that our CSR work should clearly contribute to increasing the overall value created by our business activities.


Download the CSR-Report for Pankas Denmark here