- Pankas A/S - Denmark
- Dansk Overfladebelægning I/S - Denmark
- Sjællands Emulsionsfabrik I/S - Denmark
- Müritzer Oberflächentechnik GmbH - Germany
- AS Asphaltstraßensanierung GmbH - Germany
- TAS GmbH - Germany
- Rask Mecklenburg GmbH - Germany
- Rask Brandenburg GmbH - Germany
- BSFT Straßenunterhaltung GmbH - Germany
- Pankas Sp. z o.o. - Poland
- Inreco Emulsja Sp z o.o. - Poland
- Inreco Asfalt - The Czech Republic
- Inreco Kft - Hungary
- Inreco Remix Srl. - Romania
- Inreco Bitumen Srl. - Romania
- Inreco d.o.o. - Serbia
- OOMS producten Netherlands
Hot remix
The hot remix method is an on-site recycling of existing asphalt surface courses. It is environmental friendly and cost competitive method for upgrading damaged roads. In the hot remix process the existing asphalt is mixed with virgin bitumen and virgin asphalt. The final mix is applied immediately again in one process. Moreover it’s possible in the same process to apply a new wearing course directly on the remixed layer
Videos and links with more information about hot remix can be found below (some parts in local languages):